<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Professional > Navigation & Workspace > Grid View > Grid Display Options |
•Example - Changing Appearance of Tables
To access Professional Options and modify the appearance of headers and the grid (used for tables, views, and many reports), select the gear icon in the Grid View Toolbar.
Figure 1 Options Button and Row Levels
•Column Headers: formatting of columns with specific requirements
•Row Appearance: formatting for each row level of the grid, separated by even and odd rows. Each level refers to further nesting, e.g. of child tables opened within a parent table. Odd row shading for Levels 1, 2, and 3 is shown above in Figure 1.
Figure 2 Options Dialog Window
Pertinent options within the above menus are described below:
•AlphaLevel: determines the opacity of elements (default = 0)
•BackColor...: options for cell backgrounds, including adding a gradient by using both BackColor and BackColor2.
•Border...: options for shading the borders of cells
•Cursor: options for the cursor from a predetermined list
•FontData: options for the text
oBold, Italic, Strikeout: formatting options
oName: specific font (e.g. Arial, Times New Roman). Note that this field is not nullable once created. It can be cleared by:
i.deleting the corresponding settings.xml file in %appdata%\EarthSoft (warning: removes all of the customizations for that item) or
ii.within the corresponding XML file, deleting the Name row, which will appear as something like:
<Name id="ref-6">Arial</Name>
SizeInPoints: font size
•ForeColor: Font Color
•ForeColorDisabled: font color for disabled elements
•ForegroundAlpha: opacity level of text
•Image: options for using images within the grid
•TextHAlign, TextVAlign: horizontal and vertical alignment of text, respectively
•TextTrimming: specifies how text will be rendered when there is not enough room to display the entire string
Along with using the presupplied Custom, Web, and System options, a color can be typed into a Color line (such as BorderColor2 or ForeColor) as R,G,B, e.g. 255,255,255 for White.
Read here for details about how to access EDP display options.
To change the appearance of Key (required) columns in a table (red by default):
1.Click Data Tables (located in the Open group of the Home tab).
2.Select DT_FACILITY and click Open.
3.Click Options .
4.Expand Appearances and Column Headers.
5.Click Key Column.
6.Scroll down, click ForeColor and change to Dark Green.
7.Click OK.
8.The Key column headers are now dark green.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc • Modified: 14 Feb 2023