Grid View

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Grid View


Context Menu

Group By


In EQuIS Professional, the data grid offers several options for viewing and exporting data in EQuIS tables, views, or grid reports. It consists of several areas:

The grid toolbar

The grid with the data records, or grids if expanding a row with the Add Related Tables feature (pictured below)

The Add New Record row






There are several components to the grid:

Details on the displayed grid, such as the runtime or the number of records retrieved, visible (such as if a table or report has been filtered), and selected

Column names

A filter row, if filters are enabled

Data rows


Data rows will include dropdowns in fields/columns with dates or with foreign key references to other tables. Some dropdowns, such as for FACILITY_ID or CAS_RN, will show information from multiple columns; only the value in the first column is used.


Context Menu


The following options are available after right-clicking within a grid:

Related Tables show parent or child table entries for each record (only available in tables)

Column Chooser configure how columns display

Group By turns on Group By mode, described below




Group By


Right-click on the grid and select Group By to enable Group By mode. The Group By bar will appear in grey above the columns with instructions:




Drag a column to the Group By bar to group by that column. Drag a column out of the Group By bar to remove that grouping. Dragging multiple columns will group by each, in order:

