Sample Units Check

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Sample Units Check






The DQM Check for Sample Units verifies that sample results are reported with appropriate unit types. For this check to work properly, RT_UNIT.UNIT_TYPE of each unit used in the lab results must be populated with the appropriate values.




Check name is EarthSoft.DQM.VerifySampleUnits = Verify Sample Units.




This check uses three Global Parameters:

1.reportable_result DT_RESULT.REPORTABLE_RESULT values to include in DQM datasets

2.result_type_code DT_RESULT.RESULT_TYPE_CODE to include in DQM datasets

3.test_type_batch – AT_TEST_BATCH_ASSIGN.TEST_BATCH_TYPE to include in DQM dataset


Two parameters are available for this check. None of these parameters allow for input of analyte-specific or method-specific PARAM_VALUEs.

1.unit_type – Defaults to “cpw, cpv”.

2.checkDefaultUnits – Defaults to “N”.


Notes: Default parameter values listed above refer to the value provided in the DQM Starter QAPP.xlsx.




There are two rules:

1.INVALID SAMPLE UNIT TYPE = Qualify results if RT_UNIT.UNIT_TYPE of a lab result unit is not among the ones defined in the unit_type parameter.

2.MISSING SAMPLE UNIT TYPE = Qualify results if RT_UNIT.UNIT_TYPE of a lab result unit is missing.




In the Errors tab of the DQM Event Review Form, this error may be listed:


"One of the required rules for this check is not present in the RT_DQM_RULE table."
       If you receive this error, the QAPP can be updated following the How to Update Existing QAPPs documentation page