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Other Settings

Enterprise Settings

oEnterprise Workflow Service


oEnterprise Controls

oBLOB Storage


The ST_CONFIG system table, accessible only to EQuIS administrators, stores configuration settings for the EQuIS application—similar to settings previously found in .config files—and contains the following columns (fields):

CONFIG_SECTION – Defines the section to which this item belongs; similar to a <configuration> section in an XML .config file.

CONFIG_KEY – Defines the key of the value within a section (i.e., what this item is, or a grouping of such).

OBJECT_TYPE – Defines the type of the object within the CONFIG_KEY field.

OBJECT_VALUE – Defines the object value for this item.

STRING_VALUE – Specifies the configuration value of this item (i.e., this is the value for the configuration setting).


The ST_CONFIG system table can be used to customize database-wide behavior such as in EDP, reports, and interactions with Excel.


After adding or changing configuration entries, restart EQuIS Professional.




Improve performance and reduce processing time across EQuIS products. CONFIG_KEYS in this section usually apply to all formats.

EarthSoft.Common.Data.Connection.BatchInsert – Optional setting to improve data loading via optimal, progressive batch sizing.

EarthSoft.Common.Data.Connection.SkipBulkCopy – Setting to decrease the time for inserting data into the database; can cause timeout errors when committing large datasets.

EarthSoft.Common.Utilities.File.zipTempFolder – Specify a default directory for temporary unzipped files.




Customize EDP (EQuIS Data Processor) settings for users and formats.

EarthSoft.EDP.RVF – When enabled, adds values to EDP’s Reference Value Tab, such as NonZeroSecondsAction (truncate non-zero seconds on a time or date/time field).

EarthSoft.EDP.EddCustomHandler.ShowUpdateMode – Limits the commit type in EDP Professional for a given format, optionally by user.

EarthSoft.EDP.EddMapping.RowDifferenceError – Displays an error message when the target row already exists during the Create Package step, optionally by user.

EarthSoft.EDP.Pro.RegisterFile – Registers EDD files committed via Professional EDP to the ST_FILE_REGISTRATION table, optionally by format.

EarthSoft.EDP.CommentIndicator – Sets a single character as a comment indicator for rows in an EDD. The default is ‘#.’  

Coordinate Conversion in DB Format: The DB Format tool in Professional EDP can be used to convert coordinates from one type of coordinates to another.




Define default values for a new MailClient or FtpClient instance.

mailSettings – Defines the default values loaded when creating a new instance of EarthSoft.Common.Net.MailClient.

ftpSettings – Defines the default values loaded when creating a new instance of EarthSoft.Common.Net.FtpClient.




Customize report settings, including Excel file type and style type.

Common.Data.DataSetHelper.ExcelVersion – Sets the default file type for Excel exports by choosing the associated Microsoft Excel version, such as 2003, 2007, 2010, or 2013.

EarthSoft.Reports.ActiveReports.HideDataSource – Hides the data source icon in Active Reports. May be user specific. Does not hide the data source by default.

EarthSoft.Reports.ReportGrid.TurnOffDropDowns – Turns off all dropdowns in an EQuIS data grid.

EarthSoft.Reports.RDL.EmptyReportTemplate – Sets a default *.rdl file for viewing tabular data in Report Definition Language (RDL) reports.

XlsForceStyle – Sets the style applied (None, Normal, or Efficient) for performance when exporting to Microsoft Excel. The default setting is Normal.

ReportService.Caching – Within Enterprise, retains and returns the output of a report for the length of the cache limit.


Enterprise Settings


Enterprise Workflow Service


The EQuIS Enterprise workflow runs through a Microsoft Windows service or Microsoft Azure webjob to automatically process EDDs and reports. Each individual service thread within the workflow has configuration options in ST_CONFIG.

EFD Management – defines the management and consumption of EQuIS Format Definition (EFD) within the Enterprise workflow service, including the following settings:

oDisable Upload Rename

oEFD Configuration

oEFD File Monitor

oInbound File Type

EmailDeliver – Sends notices from other workflow service agents.

EmailRetrieve – Retrieves messages from a defined email box and saves their attachments.

FtpRetrieve – Retrieves certain files from the specified folder of a remote File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server.

FileMonitor – Loads Electronic Data Deliverables (EDDs) into EQuIS by scanning folders for new EDDs.

FileProcess – Loads EDDs into EQuIS via the Enterprise EQuIS Data Processor (EDP).

FollowUpTask – Runs upon successfully loading an EDD to the database that will create an ST_FILE_REGISTRATION record.

ScheduledWorkflow (heartbeat agent) – Scans ST_SCHEDULE for scheduled entries to run.

Workfolder – A file exchange location for the Enterprise workflow service and web application.




Explorer – Names the root folder in the Explorer widget.

EZView – Sets a default report for new EZView widgets.

GIS – Default, Geometry Server, and optional settings for GIS:

oGIS.DefaultSpatialReference – Determines a spatial reference for coordinates if RT_COORD_TYPE.SRID is blank.

oGIS.DefaultExtent – Sets a default extent for mapping widgets where not previously set.

oGIS.DefaultBasemap – Sets a default basemap for mapping widgets where not previously set.

oGIS.GeometryServerURL – Specifies the Geometry Server.

oGIS.API_URL – Replaces the default ESRI JS API (optional).

Live Historical Chart – Configures color order.

Login – Sets password complexity, enables registration, and changes authentication.

Role Manager – Designates a "Data Manager" role, which allows assigned users to download error and commit logs without being an Administrator or the EDD Data Submitter.


Enterprise Controls


Chooser Configuration – Set a per-user default view (Favorites or Recent) and rendering (Tile, Details, or potentially Map) for the Dashboard, Facility, Report, and/or Widget Choosers.

New User Default Configuration – Define a default dashboard for new Enterprise users.


BLOB Storage


AzureBlobService – Specify Azure Blob Storage to store Binary Large OBjects (BLOBs) outside of EQuIS.

NtfsService – Specify local NTFS folder to store BLOBs outside of EQuIS.


Other Settings


FormatsEarthSoft.EDP.UseNumberFormatting – Determines if the cell Number formatting is honored when importing data from a Microsoft Excel file.

FormatsEQEDD.EQEDDHandler.Suppress.sys_loc_code.check – Suppresses error warnings when committing EQEDD or EQEDD_v2 data to the database.

Formats – Coordinate Conversion in the DB Format – The DB Format tool in Professional EDP can be used to convert coordinates from one type of coordinates to another.

CascadeDelete – Controls access to the Cascade Delete button.