REST API (7.21.2)

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REST API (7.21.2)




REST API: Non-Admin Users Can Now Create Groups [d4437]

POST api/groups now allows non-admin users (that are assigned creator permission on the groups and folders object types) the ability to create groups.





REST API: Add New Query Parameter 'currentUsersEddsOnly' to GET api/edp [d6700]

Added a new query parameter "currentUsersEddsOnly" to GET api/edp/ that when TRUE will return only EDDs uploaded by the currently authenticated user. 





REST API: JavaScript and C# Code Examples [d6779]

A JavaScript example and a C# example demonstrating how a user can interact with the Enterprise REST API have been added to the REST API documentation.





REST API: Hook Metadata Returned When EIAs Retrieved [d6925]

Hook metadata will now be returned when EQuIS Information Agents (EIAs) are retrieved using GET api/eia.





REST API: Add New Query Parameter 'hookNotices' to GET api/notices Endpoint [d7226]

By default, GET api/notices will no longer include hook notices. A new query parameter "hookNotices" has been added to GET api/notices that when "True" will return only hook notices.





REST API: Modify Report Feature Layer Query Endpoint [d7652]

Fixed an issue in the report feature layer query endpoint that was preventing users from getting non-error responses with outFields not contained in where clause. 





REST API: Add New Query Parameter 'Limit' for GetAllFiles Endpoint [d7730]

The GetAllFiles endpoint has a new query parameter called "limit" that accepts number values to limit the number of records returned based on the value provided. If any other type is passed as the limit value, the limit parameter will be ignored. 





REST API: Update GET api/reports/{reportId}/data Endpoint [d7811]

The GET api/reports/{reportId}/data endpoint has been updated to return HTTP Status Code 403 when a user is unauthorized instead of Code 404.





REST API: Add New Query Parameter 'where' to GetAllFiles Endpoint [d7883]

The GetAllFiles endpoint has a new parameter called "where" that allows for users to return files that match the where clause provided. 





REST API: Remove GET api/config/fonts Endpoint [d7973]

The GET api/config/fonts endpoint, which was marked Obsolete in the 7.20.3 Build, has been removed.





REST API: Remove GET api/download/debug/{fileName}/{checksum} Endpoint [d8008]

The GET api/download/debug/{fileName}/{checksum} endpoint, which was marked Obsolete in the 19300 Build, has been removed.





REST API: Remove GET api/edp/notices Endpoint [d8019]

The GET api/edp/notices endpoint, which was marked Obsolete in a previous release, has been removed.





REST API: Remove GET api/users/userRoles Endpoint [d8041]

The GET api/users/userRoles endpoint, which had previously been marked Obsolete, has been removed. Use the GET api/users/{userId}/userRoles endpoint instead.





REST API: Add New Query Parameter 'orderbyfields' to GetAllFiles Endpoint [d8144]

The GetAllFiles endpoint has a new query parameter called "orderbyfields" that allows users to specify what order the files should be returned based on either a single or multiple columns and order. 





REST API: Endpoints Deprecated in 7.21.2 Build [d8181]

The following EQuIS REST API endpoints are deprecated as of the 7.21.2 Build and will be removed in the 7.22.1 Build:

     GET api/download/AdHocReportOut is deprecated. Use api/reports/{reportId}/data instead.

     GET api/download/edd/{jobId} is deprecated. Use GET api/edp/{jobId}/content instead.

     GET api/eia/agents is deprecated. Use GET api/eia instead.

     GET api/notices/{noticeId}/attachments is deprecated. Use GET api/notices/{noticeId}/attachments/{attachmentId}/content instead.

     POST api/users/register is deprecated. Use POST api/users instead. 

     PUT api/users/reset_password is deprecated. Use POST api/users/token instead.





REST API: Add GET api/files/parameterTypes Endpoint [d8218]

Added a new REST API endpoint, GET api/files/parameterTypes, that returns a list of file parameters from the RT_FILE_PARAM_TYPE table. 





REST API: Update GET api/files/{fileId} Endpoint with Path Property [d8297]

The GET api/files/{fileId} endpoint has been updated with a path property, which returns a path to the file. If a file simultaneously exists in multiple folders, only one of them will be returned.





Enterprise: Updated "Forgot Your Password" Functionality [d8390]

The forgot your password functionality has been updated to allow the user to enter in their own password using a token rather than a new password being sent to the user.

POST api/users/token was added to send a user an email containing a token.
PUT api/users/resetPassword was added to allow a user to reset their password using a token.





REST API: Use POST, PUT, and PATCH Requests Via OData with Varbinary Body Types [d8479]

Users can now make POST, PUT, and PATCH requests via OData with varbinary body types.





REST API: Improve Performance for Very Large Reports [d8701]

REST API report performance has been improved for very large reports (>200,000 rows).





REST API: Update POST api/eia/ to Return 201 Created Instead of 200 OK [d8962]

POST api/eia/ now returns a "201 Created" response code when an EIA is successfully created instead of a "200 OK" response code.





REST API: Add New Endpoint that Returns GeoJSON-Formatted Report Output [d9053]

Added a new REST API endpoint to the reports controller that returns the GeoJSON-formatted report output.





REST API: Remove Duplicate Delete Endpoint in api/config [d9119]

A duplicate delete endpoint in api/config has been removed.





REST API: RECORD_COUNT Not Accurately Populated for OData GET Requests [d9439]

Fixed an issue where the RECORD_COUNT in the ST_USAGE table was not accurately populated for OData GET requests.





REST API: GET api/reports/{reportId}/eia No Longer Returns Hook Authorization Header Values [d10100]

The response from GET api/reports/{reportId}/eia will no longer contain hook authorization header values.





REST API: Security Enhancement [d10154]

Improved role-based security for REST API.