Professional (7.21.2)

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Professional (7.21.2)




Reports - VLA Usage Report Now Pulls Data from ST_USAGE Table [d5164]

The VLA Usage Report, EarthSoft.Reports.Library.73174.dll, is updated to use the ST_USAGE table for its data source when that table is available in the Database Schema. We recommend this report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.73174.dll), if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions:





Reports - Relative Percent Difference II and III - Reportable Result Parameter Now Applies to Duplicate and Triplicate Sample [d5497]

Added the following two features:
  1. The "Sample Information:\Reportable Result(s):" parameter of the "Relative Percent Difference II Report" can be used to filter the report results of all the sample types.
  2. The "Sample Information:\Reportable Result(s):" parameter of the "Relative Percent Difference III Report" can be used to filter the report results of all the Original Sys Sample Code, Duplicate Sys Sample Code, and Triplicate Sys Sample Code.
We recommend these report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.60983.dll and EarthSoft.Reports.Library.93818.dll), if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions:





Professional - Licensing - Save License Level [d6045]

A new option has been added to the Options tab in the EQuIS Professional Backstage. The new option "Remember Selected License" will automatically check out the most recently used license in Professional. If "Remember Selected License" is false (default) or the license is unavailable, the lowest available license will be used.





Add Retry Logic to Reduce Interruptions from "semaphore timeout period has expired" Exceptions [d6161]

When working with remote databases, intermittent network connectivity issues can cause exceptions to occur in EQuIS with the message "The semaphore timeout period has expired". While network connectivity issues are outside the scope of EQuIS and cannot be prevented, the application has been enhanced to better handle these exceptions and reduce the interruption to the user. Improvements have been confirmed during testing, but there are certain situations (such as during a transaction), where the application cannot automatically retry and the user may still see the error and need to manually retry the operation.





Reporting - Crosstabs - RowHeader Config - RowHeaders Merge and First Column of Data Missing [d6191]

Fixed the Crosstab configuration issue when duplicate row headers are added, in the resulting output the duplicate row header properties were being merged and the first column of tabbed data was being suppressed.





Reporting - Populate USER_REPORT_INFO [d6226]

Saving a valid User Report in Professional will now populate metadata in ST_USER_REPORT.USER_REPORT_INFO. If an issue prevents the User Report from running, e.g. invalid input parameters, then the USER_REPORT_INFO will remain unpopulated. The new code also checks USER_REPORT_INFO when User Reports are run, and populates the column only if it is empty; existing User Reports need not be republished for this new functionality to apply.





Schema - Professional - Enhance equis.report_facility_id function to Detect FACILITY_ID for EQuIS Live Reports [d6276]

The equis.report_facility_id function in the EQuIS Schema is used to determine the FACILITY_ID associated with a report. The FACILITY_ID is used to determine a user's effective permission to the report by requiring that the user also has permission to the facility associated with the report. EQuIS Live reports do not have a "@facility_id" parameter, therefore do not have an explicit facility; however, the selected series may have a facility (either at the series level or the logger level). The equis.report_facility_id function has been enhanced to determine the FACILITY_ID associated with an EQuIS Live report based on the value(s) in its "@logger_series_id" parameter.
Note: If logger series from multiple facilities are selected for a single report, the maximum FACILITY_ID value of those selected series will be used.





Advanced Action Levels - Add Location-Specific Monthly Average Function to User-Configured AALs [d6436]

A new Location-Specific Monthly Average function has been added to the User Configured Advanced Action Levels implemented with the EarthSoft.ActionLevels.Library.105851, the AAL_Lookup assembly.





SQL Server 2019 Compatibility [d6612]

EQuIS has been tested and adjustments made to ensure it works properly with SQL Server 2019. Adjustments were needed to several of the scalar user-defined functions (i.e. equis.verify_qualifier, equis.unit_conversion_result, equis.report_facility_id) because of scalar-value function in-lining that Microsoft introduced with the 2019 release (also applied to Azure databases). This in-lining of scalar-value functions may result in performance improvements in database queries. Most of the EQuIS scalar-value user-defined database functions are now compatible with in-lining to benefit from this new feature from Microsoft.





Schema - Professional - Add DT_TEST.IDENTIFIER Field [d6677]

Added the IDENTIFIER column, data type = varchar(60), to the DT_TEST table to use for uniquely identifying a test if needed - i.e. adding to the Test Alternate Keys.





Keep Open Dialog Together With Professional Window [d6857]

An issue has been fixed where opening EQuIS Tables, Reports or Forms would sometimes cause them to open on a monitor that was turned off. These will now open to the same monitor that EQuIS Professional is opened on.





Reporting - Report Parameter @action_level_codes Needs facility_id = null in data_source [d6882]

Fixed the issue that the "Action level/Action Level(s):" parameter of some EQuIS standard reports, e.g. Water Level - Action Level Exceedance, may not display dt_action_level.action_level_code whose facility_id is not populated by default.





Advanced Action Levels - Location-Specific - Enable WARNING_LEVEL and WARNING_LEVEL_MIN from DT_ACTION_LEVEL_LOOKUP [d7062]

The Location-specific Advanced Action Level now uses any values listed in the WARNING_LEVEL and WARNING_LEVEL_MIN columns of the DT_ACTION_LEVEL_LOOKUP table.





Reporting - Increase Text Box Size [d7433]

The text box for report text parameters has been improved by increasing the size of the text box and enabling multi-line support. 





Schema - Professional - New DT_RESULT Columns for Original Lab Results [d7437]

The standard table DT_RESULT is updated to include two new columns: LAB_RESULT and LAB_DETECTION_LIMIT. These columns will be used for storing the original values if these need updating in the columns where originally reported. The related new functionality will be announced separately.





Schema - SPM - RT_SPM_COST_CALC Additional Columns [d7488]

The SPM Schema adds the following columns to the RT_SPM_COST_CALC table:





Schema - SPM - New Table DT_SRN_INVOICE [d7489]

A new table, DT_SRN_INVOICE, is added in the SPM schema.





Reports - Analytical Report II - Enhanced Security in the Extra Selects Parameter [d7691]

Added additional restrictions on the @extra_select parameter to prevent unsupported queries. Note that the GetCoreSql function within Analytical Report II will no longer handle exceptions internally. We recommend this report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.50943.dll), if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions:





Schema - Professional & DQM - Add Date/Time to DT_CHAIN_OF_CUSTODY_PARAMETER [d7736]

Column PARAM_DATE was added to the DT_CHAIN_OF_CUSTODY_PARAMETER table and was also included in a Unique Key which replaces the Primary Key for the table; this is done so that PARAM_DATE can be nullable.





Schema - DQM - Change Primary Key for DT_RESULT_DQM to Unique Key that includes REASON_CODE [d7737]

Replaced the Primary Key on the DT_RESULT_DQM table with a Unique Key that includes the REASONG_CODE column (i.e. FACILITY_ID, TEST_ID, CAS_RN, DQM_DATE, DQM_RULE_ID, and REASON_CODE).





Schema - Professional - Add DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_END_DATE Column [d7792]

Added column SAMPLE_END_DATE to the DT_SAMPLE table (core EQuIS Schema - i.e. schema.xme/l).





Schema - Professional & SPM - Purpose Fields [d7793]

Added PURPOSE column to the DT_SPM_CONTRACT_MAG_MEMBERS and DT_SPM_SCHEDULED_RESULT tables in the SPM Schema (i.e. schema.SPM.xme/l); as well as to DT_RESULT in the standard EQuIS Schema (i.e. schema.xme/l).





Reporting - Crosstabs - Multiple Aggregates Of Tabbed Data in Row Headers [d7806]

Professional Crosstab Reports can do multiple Aggregate in the Row Headers (ex. Min, Max, Avg, etc).





EQuIS for RockWorks - Add 2020, 2021 Support [d7950]

The EQuIS for RockWorks Interface has been updated to support RockWorks Version 20 and 21.





Reporting - Crosstabs - Fix Dropping Some Duplicate Values [d7979]

Fixed the issue that Crosstab Reports may not list all the duplicates in a cell of the tabbed data.





Professional - Prevent Non-Admin Users from Accessing Records from Blocked ST_ TABLES Via Related Tables [d8188]

A bug in the Tables context menu was allowing inappropriate access in certain scenarios. This has been fixed.





Reports - Analytical Results Trend Plot (Time Series) - Fix Water Level Data Requirement [d8224]

Resolved a bug that caused a "Report did not generate output. Please try again. Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error when attempting to run the Analytical Results Trend Plot (Time Series) Report without water level data. We recommend this report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.67219.dll), if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions:





Find and Replace Dialog Box Labels Display Cut Off - Not Aligned in French and Spanish [d8424]

A bug in the Find and Replace dialog was causing display issues using French and Spanish culture settings. This has been fixed.





XY Charts - Excel Export - Data Issues when Series is Missing Data [d8497]

XY charts exported to Excel returned incorrect or non-charted series in some situations where a Y-axis chart series was null; see the Known Issue post here. This has been fixed.





Reporting - ListParameter - Only Execute After Input Selection [d8510]

Refactored logic for List Parameters when opening reports in Professional to correct hidden column display issue and improve performance for large parameter lists.





Schema - Professional - Permission Enhancements in Trigger on RT_GROUP_MEMBER [d8534]

Permission enhancements have been made in the trigger on the RT_GROUP_MEMBER table. When adding or removing members to groups, Owner permission on the group and the members being added or removed is required.






Fix to the EDGE Schema so that DT_SAMPLE.SAMPLE_END_DATE is created as a SMALLDATETIME data-type rather than DATETIME, in line with other schemas that add this column as SMALLDATETIME.





Professional - Installation - Include Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.dll [d8716]

The Professional installer is updated to include the Microsoft.SqlServer.Types.dll, rather than installing this separately via the SQLSysClrTypes.msi.





Reports - Location Parameter (Extra Fields) - PARAM_TEXT and PARAM_VALUE Are Not Populated when PARAM_UNIT is Null [d8741]

A bug in the Location Parameter (Extra Fields) Report was causing null values to appear in PARAM_VALUE and PARAM_TEXT fields when PARAM_UNIT for a record was null. This has been fixed. We recommend this report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.65991.dll), if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions:





Professional - Installation - Per-User and All-Users Installers [d8742]

EQuIS Professional is now distributed in two ways: The machine wide install (EarthSoft_EQuIS_{Version}_x64.msi) and a per user install (EarthSoft_EQuIS_PerUser_{Version}_x64.msi.). Both EQuIS Professional *.msi installers now include the Microsoft.SQLServer.Types.dll (previously included separately). The machine wide installer still includes an EarthSoft_EQuIS_{Version}_x64.exe for installing with elevated privileges in environments where this is required. The per-user install does not require elevated privileges to install, however it will require elevated privileges if the ArcMap component needs to be registered.





Schema - Professional - Update DT_COST & DT_COST_PARAMETER [d8818]

In the standard schema, schema.xme, DT_COST_PARAMETER.PARAM_VALUE was expanded from REAL to VARCHAR(255), and  DT_COST.TASK_CODE and DT_COST_PARAMETER.TASK_CODE were added.





Reports - Location Parameters (Extra Fields) - Expand Extra Field Selections to Include Any Used RT_ tables [d8872]

Added dt_location-referenced rt tables: RT_COMPANY, RT_TIMEZONE,  RT_UNIT, RT_BASIN, RT_LOCATION_TYPE, RT_STATE, RT_STREAM, RT_SAMPLE_METHOD, RT_LAND_USE and DT_LOCATION_PARAMETER-referenced rt table RT_LOCATION_PARAM_TYPE to the "Location Parameters (Extra Fields)" Report. Additionally, added the "Skip Missing Unit Conversions" parameter and fixed the issue where the report does not work with a facility group login. We recommend this report (Earthoft.Reports.Library.65991.dll), if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions: .





Schema - Professional - Increase Length of RT_PRESERVATIVE.PRESERVATIVE from 20 to 60 Characters [d8933]

Increased the size of the PRESERVATIVE column(s) from 20 to 60 characters - this includes the RT_PRESERVATIVE table as well as all child tables referencing it through a Foreign Key.





Reports - Sample Parameter (Extra Fields) - Add "Skip Missing Unit Conversions" Parameter [d9061]

Added the "Skip Missing Unit Conversions" parameter to the Sample Parameter (Extra Fields) Report. We recommend this report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.88671.dll), if already published to your project database(s), be republished following these instructions:





Schema - Professional - DT_BASIC_RESULT Column Additions [d9106]

DT_BASIC_RESULT in the standard EQuIS Schema is updated to include three columns previously limited to the LakeWatch Schema: END_DEPTH, SYS_SAMPLE_CODE, and REPORTABLE_YN. In the LakeWatch schema, the column REPORTABLE_RESULT_YN is no longer required.





Reports - ArcEQuIS Crosstab Converter - Error Handling [d9110]

Improved error handling and messaging in the ArcEQuIS Crosstab Converter Report.





Reporting - User Reports - Publish Column Configurations [d9151]

A new option has been added to the Column Chooser drop-down in Professional that allows the Column Chooser Configuration to be published to the database with User Reports. Running a User Report with a published Column Chooser Configuration will automatically apply the configuration to the report output.





Reporting - Crosstabs - "Combine Tabbed Columns" Issues when Duplicates in Tabbed Data [d9203]

When using CROSSTAB for the results "Action Level Exceedance II with Parameters" report in EQuIS Professional and when these conditions apply: A. an action level exceedance is set up in the Row Header(s); B. there are duplicates in a cell of the tabbed data, and C. one or more of the duplicates have an exceedance, there may be two issues.
Issue 1: when a cell of the tabbed data has duplicates, a single line or value of the cell is present if the "Combine Tabbed Columns" check box is checked, or 
Issue 2: no rows are present at all if both "Combine Tabbed Columns" and "Show Duplicates Only" check boxes are checked. 
The issues are fixed.





Advanced Action Levels - Multiple(OR)_Mixed - Add CALC Row [d9335]

A second CALC row in the MULTIPLE(OR)_MIXED Advanced Action Level will now be activated when the first CALC row's Comparison Analyte is NULL, as shown in the example at the bottom of the Using Formulas in DT_ACTION_LEVEL_LOOKUP page.





Advanced Action Levels - Multiple(OR) Mixed - "Missing or Not Numeric" Error [d9336]

Fixed "Advanced Action Level Missing or Not Numeric" error appearing (in certain data situations) in the FLAG column of the Action Level Exceedance II output when using a MULTIPLE(OR)_MIXED advanced action level even though the action level is present and numeric for COMPARISON_GROUP = 0 (default/null condition).





Schema - Professional - Fix in equis.refresh_schema Stored Procedure During Schema Finalization [d9862]

If a given table has EUID as a computed column and the equis.refresh_schema stored procedure is called with null parameters (such as during schema finalization), the triggers may not be created correctly. This issue has been resolved such that the triggers are created as expected.





BulkInsert Timeout Now Based on Configured Setting [d9954]

Fixed the timeout issue of BulkInsert, e.g. for the ALEII with the Column Configuration parameter setup when large numbers of ALEII results are expected and ALEII report is executed in Professional against a remote production database. Rather than defaulting to 30 seconds, the BulkInsert timeout will use the configured connection timeout.