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Report Name: SPM - Export Lab Contract (example)
File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.48827.dll
Dependencies: Licensed SPM and SPM Schema
Software: SPM
Source: SPM install
Language: English
Output Type: Excel1
Description: The SPM - Export Lab Contract report allows users to export an existing SPM contract. The Excel output matches the SPM_eQuote format. Thus, this report can be used to modified output and load the content as a new SPM contract. Note that a new SPM contract can use the same Lab and Plan codes as long as it uses a create or contract start date different from the Lab’s other existing contracts.
Installation Instructions: This report requires a licensed SPM and the SPM Schema applied to the database.
•For SPM usage, no additional steps are necessary.
•For Enterprise usage, this report should be published to the database. The report will be available for selection once it has been published.
•For Professional usage, this report should be published to the database or have the .dll added to the local '.../Earthsoft/EQuIS/' folder.
Input Parameters: A selection made to customize the output of a report.
Input Parameters |
Report Output: The report output has two worksheets – SPM_Contract and Lab_eQuote. The SPM_Contract worksheet is a one line Lab contract record extracted from the DT_SPM_CONTRACT table. If the report output will be used to load a modified contract onto SPM, the CREATE_DATE colum is the field that will need to be modfied to differentiate this contract to the sourced contract.
The Lab_eQuote worksheet follows the “eQuote” Lab contract format for sending and receiving quotes from laboratories. The worksheet’s columns follow the eQuote hierarchy structure—from Analysis Groups to Lab Specific Items or Method Analyte Groups (MAGS) to Analytic Methods and down to Analytes. For example, within the Analysis Group "VOCS" there could be several lab-specific VOCS, and then within each lab VOCS are different analytic methods, a specific method for a list of analytes. The Lab_eQuote worksheet column names use the EQuIS table column names where:
•EQuIS METHOD_ANALYTE_GROUP_CODE equates to the eQuote Analysis Groups.
•EQuIS SPM_CONTRACT_MAG equates to the Lab Specific Items.
•EQuIS ANALYTIC_METHOD equates to Analytic Methods.
•EQuIS CAS_RN equates to the eQuote Analytes.
Note that both eQuote lab specific MAGs and EQuIS SPM specific contract MAGs has the “sub_select” option where “N” for “NO” means all methods within the MAGs must be performed versus only one or a select of MAGs performed.
1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc • Modified: 14 Jul 2022