Sample Summary by Analyte Group

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Sample Summary by Analyte Group

Report Name: Sample Summary by Analyte Group (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.67032.dll

Dependencies: Location Parameters (Extra Fields)

Software: EQuIS Professional and EQuIS Enterprise

Source: EQuIS Professional install

Language: English

Output Type: Excel1 or PDF


Description: The Sample Summary by Analyte Group Report generates analysis information of collected samples included in various groups of analytes.


Installation Instructions: This report assembly is part of the EQuIS Professional installation. No additional installation steps are necessary.



The analysis information is represented by a combination of  x/X, e/E, s/S, t/T, a/A, z/Z, which marks a sample as detected/non-detected regular results as well as if the results use special leachate methods (see the data mapping below). It is a class report based on the Analytical Results Report.


Analysis data mapping:



Sample Summary Code

null, detected, one or more of the analytes in Regular of the group


null, not detected, all of the analytes in Regular of the group


detected SPLP/not detected SPLP


detected TCLP/not detected TCLP


detected EPTOX/not detected EPTOX


detected AVS/not detected AVS


detected ZHE/not detected ZHE


* Note that lower case letters above refer to non-detect, while upper case letters refer to detected.


This report lists RT_SAMPLE_TYPE.SAMPLE_TYPE_CODE if Location ID (SYS_LOC_CODE) is not found. A sample START_DEPTH/END_DEPTH can be replaced by DT_WELL_SEGMENT.START_DEPTH/END_DEPTH if the sample START_DEPTH/END_DEPTH  is not available. In this case, the hidden input parameter plays a role, which is that the DT_SAMPLE.MATRIX_CODE and also DT_WELL_SEGMENT.SEGMENT_TYPE is required to be "SCREEN."



Note: Results may appear in one or more analyte groups. When the result is checked for analysis information, the report first checks if it belongs to a specific group that requires RT_ANALYTIC_METHOD.CATEGORY or RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_DESC to be populated with the group name that the results belong to. For example, if the RT_ANALYTIC_METHOD.CATEGORY (e.g. VOCS) of a result is equal to RT_MTH_ANL_GROUP.METHOD_ANALYTE_GROUP_CODE (e.g. VOCS), the result only belongs to the VOCS group when analysis information is checked.


If RT_ANALYTIC_METHOD.CATEGORY does not exist in the database, RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_DESC can be used to replace it where RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_CODE=ANALYTIC_METHOD and RT_LOOKUP.LOOKUP_TYPE='analytic_method_category'.



Tables: The Sample Summary Report uses the same tables by the Analytical Results Report in addition to the following tables: DT_WELL_SEGMENT, RT_SAMPLE_TYPE.


Report Parameters *



Parameter for selecting individual locations.


Parameter for selecting location groups.

Use DT_GEOGRAPHY for coordinate data

Toggle to use DT_GEOGRAPHY for coordinate data



Select one or more sample types.

Date Range

Section to select the start date, end date, most recent sampling, and the option to use date range to select the most recent sampling events.


Select one or more sample matrix.


Select one or more tasks.


Field SDG(s)

Select one or more Field SDG.


Section for selecting the minimum and maximum start and end depths as well as depth unit

Minimum Start Depth

If a value is entered, only samples that start (DT_SAMPLE.START_DEPTH) above that value will be included. Sample with null START_DEPTH will be excluded.

Maximum End Depth

If a value is entered, only samples that end (DT_SAMPLE.END_DEPTH) below that value will be included. Sample with null END_DEPTH will be excluded.

Maximum Start Depth

If a value is entered, only samples that start (DT_SAMPLE.START_DEPTH) below that value will be included. Sample with null START_DEPTH will be excluded.

Minimum End Depth

If a value is entered, only samples that end (DT_SAMPLE.END_DEPTH) above that value will be included. Sample with null END_DEPTH will be excluded.

DQM Status

Parameter for selecting the DQM status.

Samples \ Sample ID (sys_sample_code)

Section for selectiong the sample ID by SYS_SAMPLE_CODE.



Parameter to select one or more test method.


Parameter to select one or more fraction.

Column Number(s)

Parameter to select one or more column number.


Parameter to select one or more test type.

Lab Matrix(es)

Parameter to select one or more lab matrixes.

Prep Method(s)

Parameter to select one or more prep methods.

Lab SDG(s)

Parameter to select one or more Lab SDGs.

Lab Name

Parameter to select one or more labs.

Leachate Method

Parameter to select one or more leachate methods.



Section for selecting analytes and/or analyte groups.


Selection for report result units.


Select one or more result type.

Detect Flag(s)

Select one or more options for detect flag.

Non-Detect Multiplier

Enter the desired non-detect multiplier value.

Non-Detect Symbol

Enter the desired non-detect symbol ("< ?", "ND", ...).  "?" will be replaced with reporting limit multiplied by non-detect multiplier.

Non-Detect Qualifier

Enter the desired non-detect qualifier (e.g., "U") to have that qualifier override the DETECT_FLAG column.


Select one or more options for reportable result.


Selection for whether the result is validated or not

Reporting Limit

Select which reporting limit you desire to use (reporting_detection_limit, method_deteciton_limit, etc.)

Format Results\Format Code:

Select one format code (e.g. 0.########, 0.0E-00 etc.) predefined or defined in rt_lookup.lookup_desc with lookup_type='ARII_FORMAT'.

Additional Fields

Additional fields parameter


Section for including up to 3 header lines.


Section for including up to 2 footer lines.


Section for including up to 5 note lines.

Output File Type

Parameter for selecting output file type: xls, xlsx, pdf

Add a watermark

Check box to add a watermark. Default: False

Columns per page for pdf

Parameter to specify the columns per page for pdf export.

Rows per page for pdf

Parameter to specify the rowss per page for pdf export.


* This report includes the hidden parameter Matrix code for groundwater, that could affect the output of the report.
Consult an EQuIS administrator if these parameters should be visible or use different default values in a published report (a report
that allows saving of user reports). These paramaters cannot be viewed or changed in unpublished reports outside of a
report parameter file.


Note: The Additional Fields parameter may be customized as explained in the help article How To Customize Additional Fields Parameter.



1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.