Report Name: EnviroInsite Stiff Diagram (example)
File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.EnviroInsite.dll
Dependencies: Licensed EnviroInsite Module and template in DT_FILE (see below)
Software: EnviroInsite
Source: EnviroInsite install
Language: English
Output Type: *.pdf, *.svg, *.dxf, *.dwg, *.shp, *.emf, *.wmf, *.png, *.jpg, *.tif, *.vds, or *.vdml
Description: The EnviroInsite Stiff Diagram Report produces a conventional Stiff diagram for a set of user-selected anions and cations and exports the result to a vector or image graphics file.
Installation Instructions:
For EQuIS Professional, a local installation of EQuIS EnviroInsite 7 is required to run the report.
For EQuIS Enterprise and ArcEQuIS, additional files must be added to the Enterprise bin folder. The required files are packaged (EnviroInsite_Enterprise_package_x64_{#}.zip) and available on the EarthSoft Community Center Downloads page (All Items\Products\EnviroInsite\v7).
ArcEQuIS also requires that the report be published to the database in EQuIS Professional.
See the EnviroInsite Report Installation article for more detailed information.
Concentrations of cations and anions are converted from mass to milliequivalents (meq) based on the entered values of equivalent weight in populated RT_ANALYTE_DETAIL.EQUIVALENT_WEIGHT fields. Only analytes for which RT_ANALYTE_DETAIL.EQUIVALENT_WEIGHT has been populated will be available for selection within the report. EnviroInsite expects that the equivalent weight of anions will be entered as negative quantities, while cations will carry positive equivalent weight values. For additional information on Stiff Diagrams using EnviroInsite, see the online help article, Stiff Diagram - Chart.
Report Parameters
Output Type (required)
Select the file output type as either pdf or svg.
Axis Max Value (required)
Enter the maximum value for the Stiff diagram axes in meq/L.
Axis Tick Interval (required)
Enter the spacing for ticks and labels on the Stiff diagram axes.
Text Height(required)
Enter the diagram text height in inches.
Number of Stiff
Diagrams per Page (required)
Enter the number of Stiff diagrams per page. Stiff diagrams in excess are generated on subsequent pages.
Plot Label? (required)
Indicate whether labels will be plotted for individual locations.
1 (required)
Select one or two anions for first row of each Stiff diagram, where anions identified based on negative equivalent weight values.
2 (required if 3rd anion selected)
Select one or two anions for second row of each Stiff diagram.
3 (required if 4th anion selected)
Select one or two anions for third row of each Stiff diagram.
Select one or two anions for fourth row of each Stiff diagram.
1 (required)
Select one or two cations for first row of each Stiff diagram, where cations identified based on positive equivalent weight values.
2 (required if 3rd anion selected)
Select one or two cations for second row of each Stiff diagram.
3 (required if 4th anion selected)
Select one or two cations for third row of each Stiff diagram.
Select one or two cations for fourth row of each Stiff diagram.
Fraction (required)
Select the fraction value used to filter based on DT_TEST.FRACTION.
Matrix (required)
Select the matrix value used to filter based on DT_SAMPLE.MATRIX.
Enter individual locations to be plotted in the Stiff diagram.
Enter one or more location groups.
Enter sample type.
Date Range
Start Date (required)
Enter start date.
End Date (required)
Enter end date, where selection includes samples taken on either sample or end date.
Select one or more sample tasks.
Task Code 2(s)
Select one or more task code 2 values.
Field SDG(s)
Select one or more field SDG values.
Enter one or more test methods.
Column Number(s)
Enter one or more test column numbers.
Select one or more test types.
Lab Matrix(ces)
Select one or more test lab matrices.
Prep Method(s)
Select one or more preparation methods.
Lab SDG(s)
Select one or more lab SDG(s).
Select one or more result types.
Multipliers (required)
Enter the non-detect multiplier to be used in designation of values for flagged non-detect results.
Select reportable values.
Select one or more validated values.