License Database Setup

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License Database Setup

Create Standalone License Database

Link License Database via ST_LICENSE

Check if License Database is Out of Date

Update License Database


Organizations managing several EQuIS databases may wish to designate one as the Network License Database, or set up a separate License Database to manage concurrent licenses. For information regarding network licensing for the EQuIS Data Processor (EDP), see the Configuring Standalone EDP to Use a Network License help page.


Create Standalone License Database


By default, EQuIS will use the EQuIS database originally logged in to as its licensing server. With license server linking, it is possible to designate one or more databases to manage all the license keys in an organization. The database managing EarthSoft product keys does not need to be a full EQuIS database. An external license database only needs to contain the ST_LICENSE, ST_LICENSE_USE, ST_VERSION and ST_USER tables, and must be accessible by all workstations that will consume network licenses.


A standalone license database contains only the tables required to manage licenses. This database is created and updated through SQL Server Management Studio and is not available connecting through EQuIS Professional. A standalone license database can be used with all EQuIS Products, including Standalone EDP. Review the release notes on each new release to determine if standalone license databases require a Schema update.


The "" SQL statement from the EarthSoft Community Center (ECC) Downloads Dashboard (under All Items > Products > Additional Resources > v7.0) will create the standalone license database and table structure required by EQuIS.


A separate EQuIS database can also be used as a license database. Caution should be exercised when using an EQuIS database as a license database, as these databases can be connected to through Professional, and data could be loaded into this license database. Using an EQuIS database for licensing also requires more updates.


The database users used in the license connection strings require the permissions indicated below for each table in the license database:

ST_USER: SELECT, INSERT (adding licenses, using licenses)

ST_LICENSE: SELECT (using licenses), SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE (adding licenses)

ST_LICENSE_USE: SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE (adding licenses, using licenses)



Link License Database via ST_LICENSE


If License Database linking is enabled with an EQuIS database, no other keys are used within that database. EQuIS will follow up to five links before it stops searching for a license server. EarthSoft recommends minimizing the number of links to a license server.


To create a link from one EQuIS database to another database acting as a license database, use SQL Server Management Studio to create a record in ST_LICENSE of the EQuIS database that needs the licenses with the following information:

LICENSE_SERVER = connection string that points to the server and database where the network license keys are stored. For example,

Data Source=dbserver;User ID=LicenseUser;Password=LicensePassword;Database=licensedb;

APP_ID = 1023



Step-by-step instructions are provided on the License Database Linking page.


There should be no other records in that database’s ST_LICENSE table. The connection string must be valid for any user that will be using the network licenses. Read Applying Licenses in EQuIS Professional for more instructions on applying network licenses to the database where licensing will be stored.


Open EQuIS Professional and connect to the originating database. Upon successful login, EQuIS will update ST_LICENSE.LICENSE_SERVER with an encrypted version of the connection string. If Network Licensing is available on the target database, the Server name, Database name, and a new Network ID will be displayed on the registration form. A Registration prompt for the license database may appear if it does not contain an EQuIS Professional license yet.


Optionally, set the ST_LICENSE.LICENSE_TITLE to document the link. For example, “Link to database Training on server Primary, SQL Login as Student”. If the connection string included a username and password, that username is used when checking out a lease.


Note: Make sure the connection string is in the appropriate format for the database and authentication type and that it points to the database that contains the licenses.


Check if License Database is Out of Date


If an older license database is in use or a new database is being connected to the license database, check that the license database is up to date. A new EQuIS database may not be able to use licenses if the license database has not been updated from EQuIS 6. Review the release notes on each new release to determine if standalone license databases require a schema update.


One way to check if the license database requires an update is to run the following query on the license database:

select * from sys.objects where object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'SQ_EUID');


If no record is returned, then the license database must be updated.


Depending on the last time the license database was updated, other missing fields or objects could also cause issues. If license connections are not performing as expected, and the last license database update is unknown, run the license database update script as described in the next section.


Update License Database


1.Download the "" SQL statement from the EarthSoft Community Center (ECC) Downloads Dashboard (under All Items > Products > Additional Resources > v7.0).

2.Back up the license database.

3.Run the script_ExternalLicenseDatabase_v7 script.


Errors may occur due to database objects already existing; those are expected.


The license database schema is largely backwards-compatible and is expected to work with all currently supported EQuIS builds once the latest schema has been applied.