<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Administration and Configuration > Options > Connection Timeout Interval Customization |
EQuIS Enterprise has two levels of timeout settings:
•Application Level Security Login Timeout Setting
•EQuIS Enterprise Timeout Setting
For connection timeout interval customization for Database-Level Security logins in EQuIS Professional, see EQuIS Professional Login.
Application Level Security Login Timeout Setting
The connection timeout can be modified with an Application-Level Security (ALS) login (aka EQuIS Enterprise login) for users running reports in EQuIS Professional. To modify the timeout setting, you must have Administrator permissions in the ST_ROLE table.
Modify the ALS Login Timeout Setting:
1.Make a backup of your database.
2.Login to EQuIS Professional.
3.Navigate to the ST_ROLE table and select the ALS user whose timeout period needs to be modified.
4.Append the desired connection timeout period in seconds to ST_ROLE.CONNECTION_STRING:
Data Source=XXXX;User ID=XXXX;Password=XXXX;Database=;Connection Timeout=600;
5.Save your changes.
Notes: •Modifying the connection timeout in ST_ROLE.CONNECTION_STRING for an ALS user applies to the tasks that the user does in Professional while logged in to Professional with their Enterprise ALS credentials, for example, running reports in Professional. This will not apply to the tasks that the user does in the Enterprise web application (e.g., running reports in Enterprise). |
The timeout settings are based on SQL Server; EQuIS does not limit the timeouts. Theoretically, the maximum timeout setting for .NET v4 SQL Server connections is 2147483647 seconds. Refer to this Microsoft article on Connection Strings for more information.
The timeout should be set with caution as it effects database performance. For example, values of multiple hours will not cause any immediate problems, but big queries will continue to run until they are finished or until the timeout is reached.
Note: In EQuIS Enterprise 7, if an ALS connection string has been configured for the Admin role (or any other role to which the administrator belongs), then that connection string will be used. However, if none of the administrator's roles has an ALS connection string configured, then the main Enterprise connection string will be used. |
EQuIS Enterprise Timeout Setting
Change the Enterprise Connection Timeout Setting in the connectionStrings.config file on the server, as follows:
1.Navigate to the connectionStrings.config file located in the \Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7\bin folder.
2.Make a copy of the file so there is a backup to restore. Make sure to rename the copy.
3.Navigate to the following text:
<add name="localhost" connectionString="Data Source=localhost;User ID=username;Password=pwd;Database=demo;Pooling=true;Connection Timeout=300;"
a.If encrypted, recreate the connection string. As a security precaution, EarthSoft does not decrypt connection strings.
4.Append the Connection Timeout period in seconds. EarthSoft normally keeps this timeout setting lower to reduce issues with server performance. For example, if a user runs a large report that takes several minutes, the timeout would normally stop the process so the performance is not impacted.
5.Restart your Worfklow Service.
6.Additionally, EarthSoft recommends restarting the Services in the Internet Invormation Services (IIS) Manager after making any adjustments to the connectionstrings.config file.
Note: The EQuIS Enterprise timeout setting does not apply when Enterprise is hosted as an Azure Web App. In this case, the execution is limited to 240 seconds for all web requests. Thus, large reports that take longer than 240 seconds to run will timeout. The 240 second limit on web requests is designed by Microsoft as a reasonable limitation on web requests to prevent DDoS attacks and to ensure that any one site is not consuming all of the available resources. This is not an EQuIS limitation. |
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc • Modified: 16 Feb 2023