SPM (7.21.3)

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SPM (7.21.3)





SPM iCalendar Report: Add Ability to Set Task Start Time [d10506]

Added the ability to set a task start time in SPM iCalendar report if the start time has not already been defined for the task.





SPM Enterprise: Land Access Page Not Working Properly [d11280]

Fixed some issues on the Land Access page in SPM Enterprise that caused locations to not load and the Points of Contact tab to not populate.





SPM Completeness Table - Equipment Activities Report: Add Status filter and END_DATE Column [d11508]

The report can now be be filtered by task status (complete, incomplete, and unplanned). Added END_DATE column to the report output.





SPM Desktop: Use Auto-generated Name as Default When Copying COC [d11663]

When copying a COC in the COC Manager, the new COC name initially defaults to the computer generated COC name.





SPM EZSRN Format: SRN Manager Not Propagating All Samples from AT_SAMPLE_SDG [d12041]

Fixed an issue in the SPM EZSRN format where the SRN Manager was not propagating all samples from the AT_SAMPLE_SDG table.





SPM Desktop: Erroneous "Failed to load DLL" Message [d12242]

Fixed a bug that was causing SPM to give the error message "Failed to load DLL" instead of an applicable error message. 





SPM Labels Report: QR Barcode Error when Input String too Long [d12417]

The SPM Labels report was updated to allow for longer characters strings in a QR bar code.





SPM Completeness Report - Detailed: Samples with Different SYS_LOC_CODEs Marked as Complete If SYS_SAMPLE_CODE Matches [d12564]

Resolved an issue where the detailed SPM Completeness report marked samples with different SYS_LOC_CODEs as complete regardless if the SYS_SAMPLE_CODE matches.  





SPM Desktop: Add MAG Description Column for Samples for Planned Tasks [d12666]

Added MAG Description column in Samples pane of the Samples Tab for Planned Tasks in SPM.





SPM Desktop: Include Task Start and End Time During Task Creation [d12719]

Updated SPM to include task start and end times during task creation.