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DQM - Several Modifications to Prevent Unnecessary and Confusing Errors in Create Event Process [m120255]
When running certain DQM Checks in combination with other checks that pull in QC samples, a large number of errors would occur when the QC samples and results did not have the necessary columns populated. New check parameters are now added to these checks (Estimated Results, Holding Times, and Required Detection Limit) to prevent these errors and allow specification of the SAMPLE_TYPE_CODE and RESULT_TYPE_CODE used when running the checks.
The Holding Time Check now features an option to populate certain columns with the value "999" to skip the given type of holding time limit for a particular analytic method(s).
The Spike Recovery and Surrogate Recovery checks now allow for multiple RESULT_TYPE_CODEs to be processed in one Event.
The HoldingTimeParameters tab in the Settings Form has been renamed to "Holding Times Limits".
Also, the medium_code column in this tab now displays the MEDIUM_CODE instead of the MEDIUM_DESC column.
When the DQM Create Event SQL query does not return any results, an Event (with no records) is no longer created. Instead, a message appears explaining that no data were returned due to data requirements.
DQM - Improve Error Message for Spike Recovery Check [m163754]
Error messages in DQM for the Spike Recovery Check did not include the column in DT_RESULT_QC that caused the error. This feature has been added.
Advanced Action Levels - Location-Specific - Allow NULL for DEFAULT Locations [m164103]
When setup for the Location-specific Advanced Action Level did not include a DEFAULT row in the DT_ACTION_LEVEL_LOOKUP table or when the DT_ACTION_LEVEL_LOOKUP.ACTION_LEVEL value in the DEFAULT row did not include a numeric value, then there was an error when the ALEII Report included a SYS_LOC_CODE that was not included in the DT_ACTION_LEVEL_LOOKUP table, either individually or in a GROUP.
The code has been updated to set the DT_ACTION_LEVEL_LOOKUP.ACTION_LEVEL value to NULL and:
1. Place a note in the FLAG column when the DEFAULT row is MISSING or
2. Place a note in the AL_REMARK column when the DEFAULT row has been
populated with the string "NULL" in the
DQM - Change DQM Starter QAPP and the QAPP name, etc. [m166504]
The name of the EDD provided in the DQM Format folder, which can be used to get a new user started on the process of building a DQM QAPP, has been renamed "DQM Starter QAPP". The previous name was "DQM_checks_v7.0". The names of the example QAPPs in this EDD have also been changed from "DQM_Demo_v7_Standard" to "DQM_Starter_Standard".
It is expected that any user of DQM will need to adjust values in this starter EDD to match the reference values in their database. It is also expected that during this process the QAPP name will be changed to something relevant to the user.
Professional Tools Access - Enforce Permissions from Favorites List and Open Dialog [m169624]
ALS users without Tables, Reports, or Forms access could still access Tables, Reports, and Forms through the Favorites drop-down and Open dialog. This has been fixed.
Risk3T Site-Specific Calculations - AOC Reports "error occurred during local report processing" [m169643]
After an upgrade in Microsoft software, the Risk3T reports for Site-specific Calculations began to show an error message, and no report output. This error has been fixed.
Professional - Include build number in Control Panel [m169955]
The Professional installers are updated to display full versioning (i.e., to include build numbers) in the Windows Control Panel.
Advanced Action Levels - Location-Specific - Bug When More Than One GROUP Included [m170016]
When setup for the Location-specific Advanced Action Level included two or more rows with COMPARISON_OPERATOR = GROUP only, the ACTION_LEVEL value for the first group was applied when the ALEII Report was run.
This code has been updated to identify the correct ACTION_LEVEL value for the assigned GROUP. In addition, if a SYS_LOC_CODE is included in two or more groups, then the lowest ACTION_LEVEL value is used in the ALEII Report.
DQM Settings Form: Include RT_HOLDING_TIMES in Copy QAPP and Add Control Limits Tab [m170325]
Two improvements to the DQM Settings Form have been made:
1. The Copy QAPP function now includes the RT_HOLDING_TIME records for that QAPP.
2. A tab has been added to display the Control Limits table for review and editing.
DQM - Fix Bug When Single Quote Included in Remark and Improve Did Not Save Message [m171884]
Previously, when there was a single quote in DQM Remark, the Complete an Event function (i.e., save the qualifiers to DT_RESULT) failed with an error message that did not properly explain why the save did not complete.
The Complete an Event function has been improved to allow single quotes in DQM Remarks.
The error message has also been improved.
DQM - Qualifier Ranking Does Not Work For Values > 9 [m172483]
When the DQM option to use a single qualifier based on rank was selected, this function did not work properly for qualifier rankings greater than nine. This bug has been fixed.
Professional - Report Parameter Selector - Redesign and UI Improvements [m172705]
Report Parameter selections have been updated to improved usability, add support for keyboard shortcuts, and show required parameters.
See the following help article for details: https://help.earthsoft.com/pro_parameter-input-selection-and-.htm.
Known Issues:
- The clickable area for input parameter selection should be highlighted.
- For certain input parameters, the keyboard shortcuts fail to navigate properly (e.g. a second tab may be required to select the input control).
- The date displayed above the calendar drop-down fails to reflect the date format of local Windows cultural settings.
- When input is disabled for certain cascading parameters, the display does not behave properly.
- The Delete button for User Reports is disabled after selecting a saved User Report. (To workaround, delete from ST_USER_REPORT).
ARII User Reports -Transformation Inputs Fail to Save Properly|Risk for Erroneous Output [m172936]
A bug in the Analytical Results II Transformations parameter could cause the wrong transformation to run when running a saved user report. This has been fixed. The Analytical Results II Report will need to be published. Note: Existing User Reports with transformation selections will have the transformation selection ignored.
Professional Documentation: Change Install to Online Help Only [m172949]
Help buttons in Professional have been updated to link to the latest documentation available at https://help.earthsoft.com/. The compiled HTML help file (EQuIS.chm) is no longer maintained and is removed from the Professional installer.
DQM Schema - Add CAS_RN to RT_HOLDING_TIME [m173082]
Column CAS_RN was added to the RT_HOLDING_TIME table and included in the UNIQUE KEY of the table (which replaces the Primary Key).
Schema - DT_CHAIN_OF_CUSTODY - EUID|ID Updates [m173222]
Restructured table DT_CHAIN_OF_CUSTODY to make it more consistent with other tables in EQuIS and the way EUIDs are handled and stored.
These changes include:
- Adding CHAIN_OF_CUSTODY_ID to the standard schema
- Making the column CHAIN_OF_CUSTODY_ID required
and enforcing correct EUID values in it (moved to 2nd column in the table)
- Changing the EUID column to a computed value that gets its
- Changed the Primary Key to be FACILITY_ID and CHAIN_OF_CUSTODY_ID
- Made a Unique Key that includes FACILITY_ID and CHAIN_OF_CUSTODY
(still allows this to act like the primary key)
- Ensured triggers on the table enforce populating CHAIN_OF_CUSTODY_ID with
with EUID values.
KNOWN ISSUE: if the table has a trigger named [trg_dt_chain_of_custody_id] the database update could fail - the trigger could have been added by turning on auditing or populating all EUID values in the table. Dropping the trigger will allow the database update to proceed.
ReportHelper - Set the Connection.FacilityId Before Calling Any ReportData Methods [m173342]
When configuring an Enterprise EZView widget for certain reports, the facility input failed to default to the connected facility; users had to manually select a facility. The issue is fixed.
ALEII Crosstab created with Hidden Key Combo runs when published [m174524]
After using the Ctrl-Shift or Ctrl key options to open a Crosstab constructor, the user can now publish the resulting crosstab configuration and have it work in Pro and Enterprise.
Known Issue:
Saved crosstab configuration files are not supported; users must configure the crosstab manually when applying the Ctrl-Shift option.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc • Modified: 27 Mar 2020