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DQM - Add Required Detection Limit Check [m107569]
A Required Detection Limit check has been added to DQM to compare the reporting detection limit of non-detected results to a client specified "project required detection limit" for each analyte.
The check will have the "detection_limit_column" parameter, to allow the user to specify which DT_RESULT column to use as the "reporting detection limit":
To enable this check to run, "project required detection limits" will need to be entered in the newly added REQUIRED_DETECT_LIMIT and REQUIRED_DETECT_LIMIT_UNIT columns of the RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS table.
AR II - Add MAG Sum and TEQ Sum Functions [m130439]
The Analytical Results II Report was updated to enable a new API to support running with a report transformation on the report output. Using the new hidden report parameter Transformation(s). Standard transformations for Mag Sum and TEQ Sum will be included with the Analytical Results II Report.
DMR Schema - Add Seasonal Date Fields to DT_DISCHARGE_REPORT [m149798]
Added season start/end date definition columns to the DT_DISCHARGE_REPORT table.
The new columns are:
Options for Using Qualifier Rank Instead of Merging [m158712]
In DQM, users may now choose from the following options when an analytical result has more than one exception to a DQM Rule.
a) merge multiple qualifiers (current method in EQuIS 7) or
b) select the highest ranked qualifier (method used in v6.6.1)
To enable this feature, three new Global Parameters have been added to the QAPP Check parameters:
1) merge_qualifiers - option to merge multiple qualifiers or to select the highest ranked qualifier when multiple Exceptions occur
•TRUE = merge the qualifiers
•FALSE = use only the qualifier with the highest DQM_CHECK_RANK in RT_QUALIFIER
2) merge_equal_ranks - control how qualifiers with equal ranks are handled when merge_qualifiers = FALSE
•MERGE = merge qualifiers with no warning
•WARNING = merge qualifiers and place a warning message in the Errors tab
3) merge_ranked_remarks - option to merge multiple remarks, even when not merging qualifiers (merge_qualifiers = FALSE)
•ALL = merge the remarks from all exceptions
•EQUAL ONLY = use only the remark(s) from the exception(s) with the highest DQM_CHECK_RANK in RT_QUALIFIER. If more than one exception has been assigned a qualifier with the highest rank, then only the remarks from those exceptions will be merged.
Professional Ribbon Tools - Permissionable Modules for User-Specific Access [m158713]
Professional Ribbon tool buttons may now be enabled or disabled for ALS users by setting the Viewer permissions in Enterprise for the related module. By default, existing ALS roles that were created prior to Build 19144 will be granted viewer permission to all Ribbon Tools in EQuIS Professional upon upgrade. Newly created ALS roles will not have any permissions automatically assigned.
Permission requirements for tool functionality (if any) are not affected by the button permissions and must be addressed separately.
Known Issues:
- Access to report and table Favorites saved previously will persist after removing access to the Reports and Tables buttons.
- If access is granted to any one of the Tables, Reports or Forms, the user will be able to gain access to all of these items through the Open Dialog Form.
Location Information Report - New Options for Additional Fields and Extra_Select [m160382]
The "Additional Fields" and "Extra Select" parameters are added to the "Location Information (Class) Report.
EQuIS Alert Form - Error Submittal and User-Friendly Information (By Request) [m160666]
A new EQuIS Alert Form is available upon request. The new form automatically reports errors in EQuIS Professional and provides the latest information about errors.
Use New REASON_CODE Column From RT_DQM_RULE Table in All DQM Formats, Forms and Reports [m161420]
DQM currently saves a full description of the reason a qualifier has been added in the DT_RESULT.DQM_REMARK column. This description is helpful, but much too long to include on most reports. Therefore, a column to store a short REASON_CODE for reference on reports has been added to RT_DQM_RULE. This new column will be processed along with DQM qualifiers in the same way that the DQM_REMARK column is handled.
New Standard Report: QA-QC Report - Standardize Dissolved vs Total Concentration Report [m162515]
The "QA-QC Report - Dissolved vs Total Concentration Report" Report is created based on a custom report and is now standard, to be included in the EQuIS Professional installer.
Updates to ARII - Statistics: Count Detects/Non-Detects, Add Additional Percentiles, Aggregate by Fraction [m163171]
The five new columns of Detects, Non-detects, Percent Non-detects, 95th_Percentile and 99th_Percentile are added into the report result.
The new selection “individual analyte + fraction” selection is added in the "Aggregate analytes by” parameter to distinguish fraction. If the new item is selected, the values of the CHEMICAL_NAME field include fraction information for the analytes with none N (or Normal) fraction, e.g. "Benzene, T".
New Standard Report: EarthSoft Support Case Summary Report Replaces Client Access Widget [m163692]
The new EarthSoft Support Case Summary Report replaces the former Client Access Widget in Enterprise. The report can be executed in Professional and Enterprise.
EQuIS 7.0.18257 ProUCL_Data Report --> "Conversion from string 'Y' to type 'Double' is not valid" [m164022]
The "Conversion from string 'Y' to type 'Double' is not valid" error occurs when Data > ProUCL tool is executed. The issue is solved over a correction in EarthSoft.Common.dll.
Change Holding Time Calculation to Prevent Round-Off Error [m165858]
DQM holding time exceedance calculation improvement, is now accurate to the minute.
DQM Schema - Add Two Columns to RT_DQM_CONTROL_LIMITS [m166513]
Water Levels Form - Update For Datetime2 MEASUREMENT_DATE [m166527]
The error message "Operand type clash: datetime2 is incompatible with int" that occurred when opening the Water Levels Form is resolved. The error was due to the schema update changing DT_WATER_LEVEL.MEASUREMENT_DATE to datetime2 format, which the form does not support (seconds are not displayed).
Schema - TRG_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER_TYPE - Reduce Trigger Restrictions [m166585]
The trigger TRG_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER_TYPE was modified to allow entries in the DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER table when there are no matching entries in the AT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER table (i.e with the same EQUIPMENT_TYPE/PARAM_CODE combination), as long as there is nothing specified for EQUIPMENT_TYPE in that table.
Five custom fields were added to DT_DISCHARGE_REPORT_PARAMETER:
ARII- XY Chart - Certain REPORT_RESULT_VALUEs Fail to Plot and Report Output Lost [m167178]
The XY Chart erroneously attempted to convert certain report result values into dates, causing the series plot to fail, and the column values to drop from the report grid output. The issue is resolved.
Trend Tool: Trend Chart - Syncfusion Version May Be Incorrect for Non-Index-Based Data [m167788]
While upgrading the Trend tool with Syncfusion polynomial trendline chart, we discovered the trend chart is index-based, which may not be correct for non-index-based data. The Trend tool - Syncfusion version has been removed from EQuIS Professional for the Fuji release. This Trend tool may be replaced, after Syncfusion creates a non-index-based polynomial trendline chart, with the Syncfusion Volume 2 main release.
Upgrade .NET components of Syncfusion to v16.4 [m168303]
EQuIS uses third party assemblies from Syncfusion for various functionalities (including interacting with Excel files). These assemblies have been upgraded to v16.4460.0.52.
EQuIS for AutoCAD - Upgrades to Professional 7 [m168398]
EQuIS for AutoCAD is upgraded to v7
-Login to EOL sites
-Plot locations
-Access from Professional Graphics Ribbon (Premier)
AAL - Analyte Group Sum (Hard-Coded 42255.dll) - Improper Output When Running With Multiple ALs [m168407]
When the ALE II code was changed to pass the entire report output table to the Advanced Action Level API, the Analyte Group Sum function no longer functioned properly when more than one action level was selected. This issue has been resolved and the Analyte Group Sum now works properly.
Additionally, some samples may have more than one result for a given analyte due to different analytic methods being run on the same sample or due to different fractions being tested for the same sample. This Analyte Group Sum function has always looked to the method and/or fraction column for that analyte in the RT_MTH_ANL_GROUP_MEMBER table to determine which result to use in the sum. The change made to the code for this case will also prevent multiple results for a given analyte from being added to the sum, even if those method and fraction columns are not populated. Now, only the first result in the analytical results table will be used in the sum.
Professional v7.0.0.19046 - Active Reports Contain Red License Error [m168502]
Reports published using the Active Reports tool contained a licensing error message. The issue is resolved.
Advanced Action Levels (105851) - MAG Sum - Incorrect When Multiple Action Levels Included in Report [m168671]
When the Advanced Action Level MAG_SUM code was changed to include analytes without an action level, the update did not account for the resulting duplicate rows when more than one action level was selected for the ALE II Report. This issue has been fixed.
Additionally, some samples may have more than one result for a given analyte, due to different analytic methods being run on the same sample or due to different fractions being tested for the same sample. This MAG_SUM function has always looked to the method and/or fraction column for that analyte in the RT_MTH_ANL_GROUP_MEMBER table, to determine which result to use in the sum. The change made to the code for this case will also prevent multiple results for a given analyte from being added to the sum, even if those method and fraction columns are not populated. Now, only the first result in the analytical results table will be used in the sum.
EQuIS for ArcGIS - Double-Click Facility Not Working [m168717]
The EQuIS login screen, when connecting from ArcGIS, has been updated to use the EQuIS 7 login screen.
Schema - New Geotechnical (schema.Geotech.xml) [m169132]
A new EQuIS schema is available to store geotechnical data in the following new tables:
Also new DT_SAMPLE columns are included: DIAMETER and DIAMETER_UNIT.
This new schema (schema.geotech.xml) replaces previous geotechnical schemas, which will no longer be offered. Data from the previous geotechnical schema are not automatically migrated into the new schema.
DQM Schema adds the following columns:
Create New Crosstab Constructors [m169828]
Fixed bug in Crosstab that was causing select custom reports, that were not recompiled, to fail.
RPD Check Not Reviewing Results [m170377]
In DQM 7 the Result Type check parameters for the Relative Percent Difference (RPD) check were moved from the REMARK column to the PARAM_VALUE column in the RT_DQM_CHECK_PARAM table. The code used to look up those parameters was changed to reflect the move, but the code change was lost in transition. The code change has been recovered and the RPD check is functional again.
Schema - LITHOLOGY|LOCATION Updates for Geotech Support [m170483]
The END_DEPTH (numeric/decimal data-type) column is added to the DT_LITHOLOGY table; it is required when the MATERIAL_NAME column is populated. The update process will populate it with the same value that is computed with the EQUIS.LITHOLOGY database function (also in the VW_LITHOLOGY view). Since it is required and there is a possibility that it cannot be populated, the database update process may fail. To verify if there is a problem, a couple of SQL queries have been posted to the forum under the topic, "Adding END_DEPTH as a new (required) column in the DT_LITHOLOGY table" (https://forum.earthsoft.com/communities/1/topics/4202-#comment-6498).
The new VW_LITHOLOGY_GAP_OVERLAP view is added to the database to identify if gaps/overlaps exist between sections in the lithology (note that this view ignores rows where MATERIAL_NAME is blank as these are considered notes and not different segments in the lithology).
Additionally, the following columns are added to DT_LOCATION (in conjunction with the new Geotech Schema, but part of the standard EQuIS Schema): OFFSET, STATION, and ROUTE.
New Standard Report - Water Level - Action Level Exceedance [m170689]
The Water Level - Action Level Exceedance Report has been created. This report compares the EXACT_ELEV field of the results of the Water Levels II against action levels, if action levels are selected and generates the charts if the Plot Water Level parameter is selected.
Remove gINT Logs Report from Interfaces.Google Project [m171302]
The gINT Logs Report was found to be outdated and has been removed.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc • Modified: 27 Mar 2020