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Boring Logs - Water Table Depth Field [m142037]
New Boring Log downhole feature that allows for the presentation of multiple, arbitrary number of water depth values on boring logs. Pre-existing depth-to-water boring log feature plotted the depth-to-water as one component of axis, well construction or other feature. This new feature allows for inclusion of separate water-depth plot, with filtering of DEPTH_TO_WATER table records by both type and sequence fields.
Transition of EnviroInsite Licensing [m142565]
The connection from EnviroInsite to EQuIS databases has been updated. EnviroInsite now connects using the EQuIS Connection Form. The license has also been updated from SchemaLogin to EQuIS EnviroInsite.
Boring Log Design - Additional Column Options [m152807]
The EnviroInsite boring log template design tool is enhanced to include the following DT_FACILITY columns for display in the header/footer sections of boring logs: facility_name, client, address_1, city, and state.
License Check - Display Fails [m153001]
EnviroInsite will consume an EnviroInsite Decision Support license while connected to an EQuIS Database.
Error Plotting 2D and 3D Contours [m153153]
An error was occurring in EnviroInsite when plotting 2D and 3D contours. When plotting contours, EnviroInsite should select a default analyte to be used, however, this was not occurring and instead caused errors. This issue has been resolved.
Some Legends Not Being Drawn at Correct Size in Layout Mode [m153246]
When restoring an EnviroInsite document that contains a legend within the layout title block area, some of these legends are being plotted much larger than they should be. This issue has been resolved so that these legends are plotted at the correct size.
Unable to Plot Both Water Levels and Analyte Concentration in Single Data Table [m153247]
An issue was preventing water levels time series and analyte concentration from being added to the same data table object. This issue has been resolved.
Inconsistent Algorithm for Setting Default Soil Colors [m153382]
Improved initial hatch color and scales for downhole interval plots.
Add Check for Material Name before Plotting Logs on Section [m153383]
Improved error handling for case where RT_GEOLOGIC_UNIT.GEOLOGIC_UNIT_DESC or RT_MATERIAL.MATERIAL_DESC were changed prior to plotting borehole logs or stratagraphic logs on a x-section.
Default Stratigraphy / Soil Hatch Scales too Fine [m153385]
Modified initial hatch to result in initial hatch scale that is in most cases closer to what would ordinarily be selected by the user. Also avoids selection of overly fine hatch scales that may be slow to draw.
Default Polyline Hatch Scale too Fine [m153386]
Initialize drawn polyline hatch scale to greater value.
Unable to Move Title Strings in Created Layouts [m153388]
Restored functionality to move default title text in layout view.
Image (Key) Files for Boring Logs and X-Section not Deleted on Program Exit [m153411]
Modified code to delete image files that serve as key maps in x-sections and boring logs when objects go out of scope.
Change Default Theme to Approximate EQuIS Professional 7 Theme [m153607]
Changed default theme to cleaner look that approximates that of other EQuIS products.
Time Series Graph Properties - Custom Date Formats not Preserved [m154945]
Fixed bug that resulted in custom date formats of georeferenced time series charts not being preserved.
Add "Use Short Name" Option for Pie Charts [m155217]
Pie chart legend now supports short name from RT_ANALYTE.ANL_SHORT_NAME.
Exported PDF Does Not Respect Cropping of Aerial Photos [m155936]
Resolved issue that resulted in ArcGIS images to print incorrectly.
EnviroInsite error and debug information is now available in the equisdebug.log with the My EQuIS Work folder. Consult the file to assist in determining why the program is not functioning as it should or when an error is thrown.
Data Tables - Sample Date Time Display Fixed [m156186]
The EnviroInsite data table plots failed to display date range properly in certain scenarios. This issue is fixed.
Resolved Inconsistencies in Handling of Databases with Geotechnical Schema Applied [m157137]
There was a bug in the EnviroInsite code that prevented locations from plotting when both the Standard and Geotechnical Schemas were applied in EQuIS. This error was caused when referencing the ELEV_DATUM_CODE field without specifying which table to query from. This issue has been resolved.
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