EDP (22.1)

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EDP (22.1)






Facility Format: Add DT_TASK and DT_TASK_PARAMETER Sections [d14096]

Added DT_TASK and DT_TASK_PARAMETER sections to Facility format.





EDP: Error Committing Data to DT_FILE Child Tables [d17701]

Fixed a bug in EDP which caused an orphan row error while committing data.  The error occurred when a child record was being committed before the parent record.





refvals Format: Increased Length of rt_preservative.preservative [d18010]

The preservative column in the rt_preservative section has been increased from 20 to 60 characters in the refvals format to match the new column length in the EQuIS Schema.





EDP Professional and Standalone: Multicolumn Lookup Was Not Working [d18248]

Fixed bugs in EDP associated with multicolumn lookups.  In one bug, the combination of values did not always show an error when one was expected.  The other bug was that only one column in the drop-down was displayed even though multiple columns were included in the lookup.





EDP: Improve Security in EQuIS Formats [d18290]

In an ongoing effort to improve security, this release requires that all EDD format files (*.xsd) either be encrypted by EarthSoft (*.xse) or embedded as a resource in a strong-named .NET assembly (*.dll). Unless an EQuIS application is running without a live database connection (i.e., EDP Standalone or EDGE) or the user is connected to the database using database-level security, a plain-text EDD format file (i.e., *.xsd) may no longer be used. This requirement applies to EDP (in Professional and Enterprise), EDGE, and Collect.
For more information, see (https://help.earthsoft.com/EDP_Securing-EDD-Formats.htm).