EDGE (7.21.2)

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EDGE (7.21.2)




EDGE Field EDD Report: Performance Improvement Update [d6075]

The EDGE Field EDD report was updated to improve its runtime.





EDGE: Use Correct Time Format in eCOC Report [d6083]

Fixed a bug that did not honor the specified REPORT_TIME_FORMAT in the eCOC Report export.





EDGE: Issue Opening EDD with Activity SPM Record [d6836]

Fixing an issue with opening an EDD that contains Activity SPM records.





EDGE Format: Recognize Existing File When Opening EDD (.ZIP) [d6966]

Modified the EDGE format to recognize if a file in the EDD zip file (created through Sign & Submit) already exists in the File_v1 section, a new row will not be added for that file.





EDGE: Change Default Value for UpdateMeasureDatumData Enumeration to "Y" [d7195]

Changed the default value for the UpdateMeasureDatumData enumeration to "Y".





EDGE Format: Fix Issue Uploading File_v1 When PLACE_TYPE Empty [d7290]

Fix an issue with uploading EDGE Format File_v1 record to database when PLACE_TYPE field was empty.





EDGE Format: Fix Issue with RT_STREAM Lookup on Location Tab [d7291]

Fixed a misspelling issue that prevented the RT_STREAM lookup from properly functioning on Location tab of the EDGE format.





EDGE: Trimming Xs in SYS_LOC_CODE When Importing Landtec File [d7896]

Fixed an issue with SYS_LOC_CODE trimming of 'X' characters when importing Landtec gas files into EDGE.





EDGE: Fix Issue with Filtering EQUIPMENT_CODE [d7921]

Fixed an issue with filtering the EQUIPMENT_CODE when creating a new row on the "Equipment and Devices" tab in EDGE.





EDGE: Remove Duplicate Field in eCOC Report [d8029]

Removed the duplicate instance of DEPTH_UNIT from the eCOC Report export from EDGE.





EDGE Format: Fix Issue With Adding File to File_v1 Section from EDP [d8293]

Fixed an issue when using EDP to add a file to the File_v1 section of the EDGE format. When a new file is selected, the file extension and file date will be automatically populated within the format section.





EDGE: Alternate Options to Activate Autofill Date/Time [d8465]

Added new EDGE option (Autofill Behavior) that allows the user to determine how to activate Autofill Date/Time fields (i.e., on click, when creating new row, or both).





EDGE: Issues Using Apostrophe in Location [d8590]

Fixed some issues that occurred when an apostrophe was used in a location (e.g., SYS_LOC_CODE, SYS_SAMPLE_CODE).





EDGE: Issue When Creating Duplicate SYS_SAMPLE_CODE [d8596]

Fixed an issue with renaming the SYS_SAMPLE_CODE in the FieldResult_v1 section when creating a duplicate SYS_SAMPLE_CODE.





EDGE: Records for Lantec Imported Without Filtering by Facility Code [d8812]

Fixed a bug that imported all records within a Lantec gas file without filtering by Facility Code.





EDGE: Enumeration to Prevent Error When Converting Seconds in Datetime Field [d8897]

EDGE automatically strips seconds from FieldResults_v1.result_date during the create stage in EDP. For users with databases modified to allow seconds, there is now an enumeration called AllowSecondInTimeField that when set to "Y" the second values will be pushed to the database (if the database is already configured to accept datetime with seconds). If the enumeration is set to "N", then second will be set to 00 and will not push to the database. This enumeration is set to "N" by default.





EDGE: Make Lithology Tab Available [d9086]

User can choose to show or hide the Lithology tab by checking/unchecking the availability box for the Lithology tab in the Show/Hide Tab option, assuming that the Lithology tab has been configured to be available.






In the EDGE format, the section 'Equipment_Parameter_v' now includes the field ACTION_REQUIRED_YN that maps to DT_EQUIPMENT_PARAMETER.ACTION_REQUIRED_YN.





EDGE: Clean Up of Temporary Files [d9448]

Updated EDGE to clean up all temporary files created during the active EDGE session.





EDGE: Issue Loading COC Options in COC Manager [d10199]

Fixed an issue that caused errors when loading "COC Options" in the COC Manager in EDGE.