<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Live > Agents > Transformation Agents > Data Computation > Examples > Live Data Computation Agent – Example 1 |
The following SERIES_FUNCTION_INFO computes a datum value for each source series (with LOGGER_SERIES_IDs 130041, 130032, and 130033) datum (distinct) date-time:
Computed DT_LOGGER_DATUM.DATUM_VALUE = source DT_LOGGER_DATUM.DATUM_VALUE + equis.fn_logger_measure_datum(...).
If there is more than 1 source datum with the same DATUM_UTC_DT, it uses the MAX value.
The equis.sp_insert_dt_water_level_daily_max() stored procedure calculates the computed data's daily max value and adds it to DT_WATER_LEVEL.
This example assumes that the DT_LOGGER_DATUM rows for the source datum are:
130041 |
2018-06-27 01:23:45 |
123.4 |
130041 |
2018-06-28 09:45:00 |
197.64 |
130032 |
2018-06-28 09:45:00 |
207.3 |
... |
... |
130041 |
2018-07-02 13:34:32 |
170.97 |
130033 |
2018-07-02 13:34:33 |
163 |
130041 |
2018-07-03 12:00:00 |
182.7 |
130041 |
2018-07-05 23:13:32 |
190.313 |
And the DT_LOGGER_MEASURE rows (where FACILITY_ID and SYS_LOC_CODE are the same as the computed series') are:
2018-06-23 07:13:00 |
70.2 |
2018-06-30 03:23:00 |
77.9 |
... |
... |
2018-07-03 12:00:00 |
75.3 |
And that there is no existing computed datum (nothing to delete, or update; only insert).
1.Create a table of date-times for the computed datum; add each distinct source datum date-time:
2018-06-27 01:23:45 |
2018-06-28 09:45:00 |
... |
2018-07-02 13:34:32 |
2018-07-02 13:34:33 |
2018-07-03 12:00:00 |
2018-07-05 23:13:32 |
Note: There is only ONE 2018-06-28 09:45:00; duplicate date-times in the source datum are not added.
2.Calculate the datum values (computed datum value = MAX(source datum value + equis.fn_logger_measure_datum(...))):
2018-06-27 01:23:45 |
123.4 + 70.2 = 193.6 |
2018-06-28 09:45:00 |
MAX(197.64 + 70.2, 207.3 + 70.2) = 277.5 |
... |
... |
2018-07-02 13:34:32 |
170.97 + 77.9 = 248.87 |
2018-07-02 13:34:33 |
163 + 77.9 = 240.9 |
2018-07-03 12:00:00 |
182.7 + 75.3 = 258 |
2018-07-05 23:13:32 |
190.313 + 75.3 = 265.613 |
3.Insert computed datum into DT_LOGGER_DATUM (set LOGGER_SERIES_ID = @target_series_id).
4.Execute equis.sp_insert_dt_water_level_daily_max() stored procedure.
Note: The equis.fn_logger_measure_datum function is a simplified version of the equis.measure_datum function (already available in EQuIS); with only the 'step', no 'linear'. |
-- Looks up the start datum date (the most recent datum prior to (or on) the measurement_date), -- and returns the start datum value (the most recent datum prior to the measurement_date).
IF OBJECT_ID(N'[equis].[fn_logger_measure_datum]') IS NOT NULL DROP FUNCTION [equis].[fn_logger_measure_datum]; GO
CREATE FUNCTION [equis].[fn_logger_measure_datum] ( @facility_id INT ,@sys_loc_code VARCHAR(20) ,@measurement_date SMALLDATETIME ) RETURNS REAL AS BEGIN DECLARE @start_datum_date SMALLDATETIME; DECLARE @datum_value REAL;
-- Lookup the start datum date (the most recent datum prior to (or on) the measurement_date). SELECT @start_datum_date = MAX(start_date) FROM dt_measure_datum WHERE facility_id = @facility_id AND sys_loc_code = @sys_loc_code AND start_date <= @measurement_date;
-- Return the start datum value (the most recent datum prior to the measurement_date). SELECT @datum_value = datum_value FROM dt_measure_datum WHERE facility_id = @facility_id AND sys_loc_code = @sys_loc_code AND start_date = @start_datum_date;
RETURN @datum_value; END
-- Inserts/updates daily max dt_logger_datum (datum_utc_dt, datum_value) -- into dt_water_level.
IF OBJECT_ID(N'[equis].[sp_insert_dt_water_level_daily_max]') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE [equis].[sp_insert_dt_water_level_daily_max]; GO
CREATE PROCEDURE [equis].[sp_insert_dt_water_level_daily_max] ( @target_series_id BIGINT ,@start_date DATETIME2(0) ,@end_date DATETIME2(0) ,@facility_id BIGINT ,@sys_loc_code VARCHAR(20) ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @temp_datum TABLE ( datum_utc_dt DATE ,datum_value REAL );
-- Get daily max. INSERT INTO @temp_datum (datum_utc_dt, datum_value) SELECT CAST(datum_utc_dt AS DATE) ,MAX(datum_value) FROM dt_logger_datum WHERE logger_series_id = @target_series_id AND datum_utc_dt BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date GROUP BY CAST(datum_utc_dt AS DATE);
-- dt_water_level.measurement_date, water_level_depth = @datum.datum_utc_dt, datum_value MERGE dt_water_level w USING @temp_datum t ON w.facility_id = @facility_id AND w.sys_loc_code = @sys_loc_code AND w.measurement_date = t.datum_utc_dt WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET w.water_level_depth = t.datum_value WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (facility_id, sys_loc_code, measurement_date, water_level_depth) VALUES (@facility_id, @sys_loc_code, t.datum_utc_dt, t.datum_value); END
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