Distribution Formats

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Distribution Formats

EarthSoft provides the option for clients to purchase an unlimited distribution EDP license. This allows the client to distribute and license their format to labs and data providers with EDP Standalone. Using this method, the agency or client can ensure data are being checked against a single set of reference values as well as different field and data constraints. EarthSoft can support in this distribution. Current distribution formats EarthSoft assists with are listed here https://earthsoft.com/support/edd-formats/.


The client-specific format files are distributed for use in EDP Standalone; however, a data provider or lab might also want to store these data in their own database. If the format file contains mapping for a custom Schema or EQuIS module, opening these format files in Professional EDP will result in an error if the data provider’s database does not also have these additional modules/Schema changes.


Typically, when opening one of these format files with additional mapping, an error will occur with the following formatting:


Unable to read Format File: [Format File Location]

[DT_TABLE].[TABLE_FIELD] is referenced by the format and does not exist in the database.


If a data provider wishes to use an EDD format with their EQuIS database, additional information about the custom Schemas and modules can be requested by contacting the EarthSoft Support at support@earthsoft.com.