<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: EnviroInsite > Reports > Export Database |
EnvironInsite provides a function to create an Access database based on queried data from the current connected database. This may be useful for EQuIS users that would like to have some set of data within Access or for users with data in Excel that want to get the speed advantages of using an Access data file. Be sure to specify the output file and to select the constituents to be exported.
To access this function, select Reports> Generate Access Database from the main menu to open the Data Table dialog box. Modify the properties on the Export tab, Query tab, and Standard tab as desired. Click the OK button to save changes.
Query Tab
Select the constituents to be exported. Selecting no constituents is not treated the same as selecting all constituents.
For EQuIS Users
The queries applied to the EQuIS database in creating this report are generated dynamically in EnviroInsite. The contents of those queries for each of the tables created in the Access database (e.g., locations, intervals, and observations) can be accessed here. Each query is preceded by the name of the table to be generated.
After each of these queries (that start with the key word SELECT), you will find another query that starts with INSERT. These are used to insert records in the Access database. You can use the field list in the INSERT query to determine which of the fields queried in the SELECT query are actually saved out to the Access database.
For the Observations table, you will notice that there are two SELECT queries. One is for the case where DT_SAMPLE is being used to define the sample interval and the other is for the case where DT_WELL_SEGMENT is being used to define the sample interval.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc • Modified: 27 Mar 2020