EQuIS Professional 7 - Upgrade Quickstart

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EQuIS Professional 7 - Upgrade Quickstart

The EQuIS 7 release includes significant new features along with a new look and changes to the user interface. To enable a smooth transition, this article highlights several key updates in EQuIS Professional, with links to the complete documentation.


EQuIS Professional Login: Previous versions of Professional stored connection files in *.xml format. Once opened from the new backstage Open tab, Professional will automatically save the *.xml connection file as an .equis file. After opening .equis connection files, the Open file type default will update from *.xml to *.equis. A video resource is available to view here.


EQuIS Professional Connections: The .equis connection files may be saved to connect to a server only or they may specify a database as well as a facility, and the connection files may be opened directly rather than having to select and open from Professional. This flexibility replaces the Favorite connections used in Professional Version 6. A video resource is available to view here.


Update the EQuIS Database: The schema updates are significant and should be applied promptly. On the backstage Connect tab, right-click on a database and select Update from the context menu.


EQuIS Professional GUI: The Professional ribbons are redesigned for better accessibility and license management. A video resource is available to view here.  This video also addresses the topic below.


Select a License: There are new license options, and a new License Chooser to enable more efficient license use. A video resource is available to view here. This video also addresses the GUI topic above.