<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Enterprise > Installation > New Installation > Install Multiple Instances (Multiple Folder Method) of Enterprise |
Each instance of EQuIS Enterprise (consisting of the web application and the workflow service) may connect to exactly one database. To connect to multiple databases, multiple instances of EQuIS Enterprise will be needed. Your EQuIS Enterprise license agreement may permit you to configure multiple instances of the software on the same machine. When installing multiple instances of EQuIS Enterprise, Windows does not allow the Enterprise *.msi file to execute twice on the same machine. After the initial installation, complete the following steps to create multiple instances of a workflow on the same machine.
Note: •For the Multiple Folder Method, make a copy of the physical directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7) for each instance and rename the folder (e.g., Enterprise7_Springfield). •During initial install, make multiple copies of the base Enterprise7 folder before modifying any files and rename to identify each instance. Create workflows for each instance. Create IIS applications and app pools for each instance. •For subsequent installations, get an .xcopy of the build and use that Enterprise7 folder for the multiple instances. Create workflows for each instance. Create IIS applications and app pools for each instance. |
1.In IIS, create a new virtual directory or application (IIS7+) that points to the physical directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7).
2.Create a new application pool and assign it to the newly-created application. The application pool must have the following properties:
a.Microsoft .NET Framework Version = v4.0.
b.Managed Pipeline Mode = Integrated.
c.Identity = <machine (e.g. LocalSystem) or domain account appropriate to your environment>.
3.Copy the base Enterprise7 folder to another folder.
4.Right click Enterprise7 and paste as Enterprise7 - copy.
a.Rename Enterprise7 - copy to reference the new directory or application.
b.Open the \Enterprise7 - copy\bin\connectionStrings.config file and update connection string to point to the new database.
Note: When running multiple workflow services on the same machine, each service must use a specific connection name. Disable the default EQuIS Enterprise 7 Workflow service and install a named service for each of your databases. |
5.To create a new workflow service*:
a.Open a Command Prompt (with Run as administrator).
b.Using appropriate DOS commands, change to the applicable .NET folder (choose either Framework or Framework64 depending on your platform). This step is important. InstallUtil.exe will not run properly if you try to execute from a different folder.
•C:\Windows\system32>cd ..
•C:\Windows>cd Microsoft.NET
•C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET>cd Framework
•C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework>cd v4.0.30319
•C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework>cd v4.0.30319>
c.Execute the following command, making sure to use your connection name and installation path:
InstallUtil.exe /i -cn=servername/app2 "C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7\bin\EarthSoft.Workflow.Service.exe"
Notes: •To force a workflow service to run with a specific culture (i.e., EDP date formats and number formats), specify the culture on the command line when creating the service: •The value for cn can match the value of the NAME attribute of a connection string in connectionStrings.config when there are unique names for each instance. With Multiple Folder Method, the name of the connection string (in connectionStrings.config) does not matter. However, multiple workflow services with the same name are not allowed. Therefore, you will need to create the workflow with different names. •The InstallUtil.exe application requires parameters be specified with this syntax: /param=value. However, EQuIS requires parameters be specified with this syntax: -param value. The service Installer class within EarthSoft.Workflow.Service.exe will automatically convert the parameters to the proper EQuIS syntax. To verify the correct syntax, you can view the properties of the service (in the Windows Services console) and check the "Path to executable". If the path is still using the InstallUtil syntax (e.g., /culture=es-CL), then you can manually modify the syntax (i.e., -culture es-CL) using regedit. Look for the appropriate EQuIS Enteprise Workflow service in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services and modify the ImagePath setting. •The deploy process described in Step 16 of the Enterprise 6.6x to 7 Upgrade article will need to be performed for each instance. After the deployment of the first instance, the \Enterprise7\deploy folder will be empty. Before this deployment step on the second instance, copy the contents of the \Enterprise7\App_Data folder, which contains the originally installed deployment files, into the \Enterprise7\deploy folder and follow the instruction in Step 16 for the second instance. |
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc • Modified: 11 Nov 2022