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An electronic Chain of Custody (eCOC) can be exported directly from EDGE and sent to a laboratory for adoption into its LIMS.


In the COC Manager, select a COC and the appropriate Lab. Then click the eCOC button to export the eCOC.




The types of eCOC that may be exported are:


1.eCOC (Excel) - exports to Excel for easier review of the eCOC for accuracy.

2.eCOC (XML) - the official eCOC that may be sent to labs.


The EDGE eCOC has specific mapping specifications. A mapping document is available for download from the EarthSoft Community Center (ECC) Downloads Dashboard. If you have registered for the ECC, go to All Items > Products > EDGE, click on the latest version, and select the "eCOC_Mapping_x.x.x.xlsx document." If the file is not visible, please contact  


Include Location Information


You may elect to have location information (i.e. all data fields in the Location tab of EDGE) exported to the eCOC. To do so:


1.Click the application menu (round icon in upper left corner of EDGE).

2.Select Options.

3.Set COC > Include Location Information in COC & eCOC to "True".  Note that a brief comment appears at the bottom of the Options panel.

4.Click OK.

