/* This script will generate data to populate the RT_TIMEZONE and RT_TIMEZONE_OFFSET tables. This script includes the standard U.S. time zones with the start/end of daylight savings time as of 2019. The script can be executed in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) on an EQuIS database to generate data (relies on the ST_CALENDAR table). The return can then be copied from the two output tables and pasted into a refvals EDD in the [rt_timezone] and [rt_timezone_offset] sections. (Note: the STATUS_FLAG column is not needed) Then load the EDD. -or- Uncomment the rows with the INSERT INTO ... and the NOT EXISTS (...) statements; and execute the script - doing this will populate the two tables directly without the need of the EDD. Written by: Gordon Jeppson on: 2019-12-09 updated: */ -- query list time zones in the U.S. DECLARE @timezone TABLE ( timezone_code VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , timezone_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL , timezone_offset SMALLINT NOT NULL , daylight_saving_adj BIT NOT NULL ); -- the following are the current time zones in the U.S., but additional time zones could be added as needed. INSERT INTO @timezone (timezone_code, timezone_name, timezone_offset, daylight_saving_adj) VALUES ('ET', 'Eastern Time', -5, 1) , ('CT', 'Central Time', -6, 1) , ('MT', 'Mountain Time', -7, 1) , ('MT-AZ', 'Mountain Time - Arizona', -7, 0) , ('PT', 'Pacific Time', -8, 1) , ('AST', 'Alaska Time', -9, 1) , ('HAT', 'Hawaii-Aleutian Time', -10, 1) ; DECLARE @remark VARCHAR(2000) = 'Row generated by "rt_timezone_generate_data_ms174254.sql" script.'; --INSERT INTO dbo.rt_timezone (timezone_code, timezone_name, timezone_offset, remark, status_flag) SELECT timezone_code, timezone_name, timezone_offset, @remark AS remark, 'A' AS status_flag FROM @timezone z --WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.rt_timezone t WHERE t.timezone_code = z.timezone_code) ORDER BY timezone_offset DESC, daylight_saving_adj DESC, timezone_code; -- query returns start and end dates for US Daylight Savings Time: WITH generate_dls AS ( SELECT CASE WHEN c.[month] = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS is_dls , CASE WHEN c.[month] = 3 THEN DATEADD(dd, 7, MIN(c.dt)) ELSE MIN(c.dt) END AS offset_start_date FROM st_calendar c WHERE c.dt BETWEEN '2007-01-01' AND '2030-12-31' -- 2007 is the year current daylight saving dates when into effect; 2030 is an arbirary year enough in the future when to end the generation of the data. AND c.[month] IN (3, 11) AND c.day_of_week = 1 GROUP BY c.[year], c.[month] ) --INSERT INTO dbo.rt_timezone_offset (timezone_code, offset_start_date, utc_offset_minutes, remark, status_flag) SELECT timezone_code, CAST('1900-01-01' AS SMALLDATETIME) AS offset_start_date , (timezone_offset * 60) AS utc_offset_minutes , @remark AS remark , 'A' AS status_flag FROM @timezone z WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.rt_timezone_offset t WHERE t.timezone_code = z.timezone_code AND t.offset_start_date = CAST('1900-01-01' AS SMALLDATETIME)) UNION ALL SELECT z.timezone_code, g.offset_start_date , (z.timezone_offset + g.is_dls) * 60 AS utc_offset_minutes , @remark AS remark , 'A' AS status_flag FROM @timezone z, generate_dls g WHERE z.daylight_saving_adj = 1 -- AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.rt_timezone_offset t WHERE t.timezone_code = z.timezone_code AND t.offset_start_date = g.offset_start_date) ORDER BY offset_start_date, timezone_code;